Monday, September 28, 2009

Real Food Rehab on the WGN Morning News

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 29th, I'll be on the WGN Morning News with Ana Belaval in her Around The Town segment. I'll be doing a Pantry Makeover LIVE on camera from 7 am. to 9 am. The longest segments will run at approximately 7:45 and 8:45. I hope you can tune in.

The woman who's getting the pantry makeover, Stacy, turned out to be the greatest subject one could ever hope for. Both she and her husband were in a place where they longed to eat healthier and get out of their food ruts. They already eat pretty well and devote some time to shopping and cooking but like many people, they eat the same things over and over, rely a little too much on processed foods and lack information on where to get the best local, healthy and chemical free foods Chicago has to offer.

Today I'm working with Stacy to prep the kitchen, the food and the pantry so they look gorgeous, plentiful and TV ready. And, full disclosure, I've also been polishing my message; getting clear on how to best convey the Real Food Rehab philosophy of quality, pleasure and satisfaction. It's live TV, so anything can happen and I'm not going to over-prepare because after all, I live this everyday. It's all in me and I want to be as fresh and in the moment as I possibly can.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

I'll also be posting the resources and information for the products I featured later in the day tomorrow so that they're available to everyone.

Thanks as always for your love and support,

Dana Joy


  1. I saw the show, visited your site and love it. So much helpful info! When will you be posting the list of markets in town as well as the good and bad foods? I also made the cream corn last night and it was delicious!

  2. I apologize in the delay of posting the resources. They will be up later today. Thanks so much for watching and I'm thrilled you like the site.

    Dana Joy

  3. Great job on WGN. I scrawled down your website while listening and getting dressed for work and am ready to pursue a much healthier diet.



  4. Ed! Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. I'm thrilled it made a difference for you!

    Dana Joy

  5. I saw your show the other morning and thought it was great- now I am as equally impressed with your blog and have it bookmarked. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  6. Lindsay, your comment makes me very happy and I'm so glad you jibe with my blog. Thanks and keep reading!

    Dana Joy
