Friday, January 29, 2010

Real Food Rehab on Chicago Tonight

Here's our segment from Chicago Tonight that aired on the 28th. The fellow bloggers that appeared with me are Natalie Slater from Bake and Destroy and Angie Montroy from Angie's Pantry. I hope you can check out their fabulous blogs. We were treated like gold by the WTTW staff and I am so grateful for the opportunity.


  1. I saw that segment and found it very interesting. Plus, I always like hearing about blogs I might like to read. I grew up in Germany and I definitely like to eat quality foods. Reading labels on packaged foods is an obsession of mine and my family gets very annoyed with me.

  2. so glad you caught it. you're not alone - I make people nuts, too at restaurants when I always ask, "where do you get your meat from?" hey, I gotta know.

    hope you'll be a regular here. thanks for posting, dana joy
